Listen Up

Put Your Hand Down

You are lucky if you can be quiet

when someone else speaks but

that does not guarantee you are 


Listening means paying attention

especially when you don’t hear

what you want to.

If you’re not careful you’ll miss

the truth and without that you’ll

never know what your next step

should be if any

Listening is not passive

It’s the only way to choreograph

your dance with grace compassion

and most of all with power especially 

if what you hear leaves you weak 

in the knees

Listen to yourself with the same divine precision

and you will always know

what’s next

@denaparkerduke @tinylightswrites @atinylight

There are certainly plenty of things that we don’t need to listen to.

But we have to listen closely to know which ones those are.

Having surgery on my eyes has turned my attention to listening. When one sense fails you, or simply needs a rest, you keenly appreciate all the others. While endlessly listening to books on tape and podcasts I have been amazed at how listening often just lulls me to sleep. At least with a book you can pretty quickly find your spot again. With listening alone you don’t search for the spot where you fell asleep but the spot where you stopped listening, which is never the same place. Trust me, this often leads to having to listen again to large portions of text you don’t remember hearing. Unfortunately, as in life, a lot of words slip past that we fail to hear.

There’s a lot of talk these days about how much we need to listen to each other, especially if we disagree, and how, perhaps that is a lost art, or completely gone. But I wonder: How do we truly listen and then respond especially when what we hear is threatening, alarming, or just simply in dire need of a counter response? We certainly can’t do it very well if we haven’t first listened well, but it still may require a dire response or action on our part. We simply better make sure we were awake enough to have first listened well.

May our best listening come hand in hand with the best of our attentions. 


Tiny Lights (Souls I am Grateful for)

